Avocado Oil

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Avocado Oil For Hair Care

NUTRIENT RICH OIL – Avocado Oil is rich in vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, and beta-carotenes that support healthy hair and growth. The oil infiltrates the hair shaft resulting in resilient shimmering and hydrated hair. It can be used in many factors to strengthen and prevent damage.

• Protect Hair From Damage • Locks In Moisture

• Nourishes Hair With Fatty Acids • Reduces Dandruff

• Prevents Breakage • Detangles Hair

Can Be Used To Massage The Scalp:

Warm a small amount in a bowl. Microwave a few seconds. Separate hair and apply with your fingertips. Gently massage using short circular motions.

Used As A Hair Conditioner:

After washing hair, apply a quarter sized amount to damp hair. Repeat this process until all the hair is coated with oil. Leave in for 10 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.

Use As A Hot Oil Treatment:

To clean hair, add 4 tablespoon avocado oil and 4 tablespoons of coconut oil or olive oil in a glass jar. Set jar in a hot water bath and allow the oil to heat up. Do not let the oil boil. Test oil on the back of your hand before applying to hair to ensure its not too hot. Massage oil in your hair then place a plastic cap over hair and wrap with a damp warm towel for 30 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Control Frizz:

Rub one or two drops depending on thickness of hair between palms of hand and apply to areas you want to tame. Add more if necessary. Heat Protector:
Before using heating mechanisms, put a dime sized amount in palms of hands and apply to entire head. Be sure to coat the ends of your hair. Once oil is applied, you can also comb to ensure an even distribution throughout your hair.

Available in 2oz, 4oz, & 6oz Bottles

Fun Fact:
Did you know that avocado skin is just one of the characteristics that gives the avocado oil its beautiful rich green color? Did you also know to preserve its color, nutrients, and ensure appropriate use, its best to use oil within 6 months? If unused over time, the oil can begin to smell rancid. It can smell stale sort of like playdough.

2oz & 4oz Bottles come with Applicator/Dropper







Avocado Oil

*If buying more than one bottle, choose quantity at checkout.

Please allow up to 2-7 business days. Depending on location it may take up 7-14 business days. USPS shipping rates and applicable sales tax are calculated during check out.

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